Epic Chiropractic Blog
How Custom Orthotics Can Help Not Just Your Feet in Plano TX
How custom orthotics can help not just your feet in Plano TX Hello everyone! Football season is ramping up and it reminds me of a very important issue – our feet! Not only because of the “foot” in “football”, but as someone who himself has some big toe issues from his football and rugby days.…
What Can I Do at Home in Plano TX to Help with Stiffness?
What can I do at home in Plano TX to help with stiffness Hello everyone! I get asked one question a ton and wanted to put some information out there to help the masses! Very commonly, Plano TX chiropractic patients will ask about the essential exercises or stretches at home to alleviate pain and tension.…
Have You Ever Had a Headache in Plano TX?
Have you ever had a headache in Plano TX? Raise your hand if you’ve never had a headache in Plano TX. Yeah, probably not a lot of hands up. Headaches affect even the best of us from time to time. A couple of misconceptions about them could lead to a false diagnosis though, so we’d…
Pregnancy and Chiropractic in Plano TX
Pregnancy and Chiropractic in Plano TX? Hello All! How about we take a minute to marvel at the female human body? The ability to create life and deliver that baby into the world is a truly magnificent beautiful thing. You’ll never see more strength in a human being than the pregnant and laboring woman in…
Better Posture For The Office in Plano TX
Better posture for the office in Plano TX? Wouldn’t it be cool if we all had loungers with great perfect monitors, custom-built to our bodies? Wouldn’t work be so much more productive and then you wouldn’t need to take any over-the-counter medicine for those little aches and pains in Plano TX? Sounds like a great…
Awarded Best of Groupon Chiropractic in Plano TX
Awarded Best of Groupon Chiropractic in Plano TX For the last five years, Best of Groupon has celebrated the experiences our Plano TX chiropractic customers love most. They look at customer satisfaction and deal popularity to select the very best in food and drink, beauty and spa treatments, health, and much more. favorite chiropractor in…